The FLC News – Issue 1

Welcome to the FLC News, MDM’s newsletter keeping you up to date with all the progress onsite at the Fenelon Lakes Club as well as sharing some local community highlights and news.


The Roof Is Going On!

We’re nearing a major milestone onsite with the installation of the roof on the Balsam house building approaching completion. In industry lingo this is referred to as “Topping Out” and means that once done, all efforts can now turn to completing the interior spaces.

Elsewhere, the foundations have been poured and timber framing is well underway for the Club Towns. The site is extremely busy with all trades embracing the end of the year and moving full steam ahead!

Respondents cited lifestyle amenities and community connection as some key selling points of the region.

The future looks bright for the area, and MDM, through the Fenelon Lakes Club is proud to be a part of it.